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Waterloo St John's 25 jan 08 45.JPG

Thin white lines

 of innocence

The thin white lines of innocence questions the innocence of a line or a border.

In the beginning there was only the great green.

And green it was.

The earth was without form and void, and greenness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of Snow White was hovering over the face of the waters.

And Snow White said, “Let there be white,” and there was white. 

And Snow White saw that the white was good.

And Snow White brought together the white and the green.

Exited by the idea of creation, Snow White bundled the white in one big drop

and let it fall in to the green.

The white drop just lay there. There was no interference.


Bored by so much dullness, Snow White begun shaking the earth as it was a big green bucket full of water. The white drop started to deform on the outside. Strange forms came out.


Again exited Snow White continued the vibrations and the white drop opened

itself from within. The drop became a curvy circular line.

And Snow White saw that it was good.

Exited by the success of this creation, Snow White wanted to keep these forms

as a memory and made prints of these creations, just in case…


Step by step, the world was created as a collection of nations.

Because Snow White loved order and system, she choose to conserve all her creations on a A4-scale as you all can whiteness these days.

The rest is history.

" Cela est bien dit,

     mais il faut

   cultiver notre jardin."

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